A speculative piece exploring an object’s ability to evolve with the individual. Through the provision of indistinct yet highly engaging forms and textures, this table seeks to instigate a meaningful, sustainable dialogue between object and user. The investigation and outcome confronts the time sick, easiest-path-possible, throw away mentality that we and the objects and services that surround us are intent on fulfilling. As a consequence of personal observations, the design utilises indistinct, intriguing and engaging forms as a means of creating enriching properties within the material objects we as a species are so emotionally invested.
An american walnut structure of low-lying proportion, supporting a system of reconfigurable, hand carved sycamore tiles - Fluctuare stimulates and nurtures both the mental and physical dimensions of a human's being. In the age of the individual, personal determination is key. To honour life's ever present state of change, flexibility is paramount